Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Day at the Market

Although they have plenty of super markets and department stores, there are still traditional markets in Korea. They remind me a little of the bazaars in Uzbekistan. But in Uzbekistan, the bazaar is pretty much the only place to buy groceries, so they're a lot more bustling. Still, the basics hold true. Every vendor has their own table with their specific products. So every item on your shopping list requires visiting a separate vendor. Here are some pictures of the traditional market down the street from my apartment. It's a small market, especially compared to some of the markets in Seoul. But it's also a lot less crowded.

The market is actually just a covered street

A fruit stand

Rice, beans, and other dried stuff

Green veggies


Smoked pig parts, or more specifically ham hocks and pig's feet. The bacon and pork is sold by a separate vendor

Korean salads. Uzbekistan has a large Korean exile population (thanks to the Soviets), so they always had a Korean salads section there too.

Dried fish, squid, and other sea creatures.

The ubiquitous red peppers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking at all that food made me hungry. Time to get some lunch. Nice pics!