Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pohang Steelers

POSCO, the second, or maybe it's the third, largest steel producer in the world is located here. It's hard to miss, as it consumes a large swath of land and bellows smoke and burning flames at night. They also own the appropriately named Steelers, Pohang's soccer team, who play in the K-League, Korea's major soccer league. I finally managed to make it to a game a couple of weeks ago, and the atmosphere was electric. Okay, not quite electric. A shade more electric then the atmosphere at a soccer game in Uzbekistan - and without the overbearing eyes of a massive state police force looking on - but rather pale in comparison to South American action. So rather then spending all of your money to come and experience the spectacle yourself, I present the full grandeur of it here.

The opposing Daegu fans. Corralled into one small corner of the stadium.

The vocal Pohang superfans, on the other side.

And the game in action.

Final score - Pohang 0, Daegu 0, Att: 2,088

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